Technical Group

Main activity areas:

  • Maintenance of NFC STE buildings and structures and meeting the radiation safety regulations during activities involving ionizing radiation sources, radioactive materials, as well as the industrial health and the fire protection regulations.
  • Monitoring operation of heating, ventilation, and water supply systems.
  • Development of current and future renovation plans, current and capital repairs of buildings, premises, water supply systems, air ducts and other structures; development of maintenance cost estimates for the company buildings, premises, and territories.
  • Organization of building and premises renovation, quality control and acceptance of the renovation completed.
  • Provision of the company divisions with equipment, furniture, household equipment, office equipment, stationery, parts and materials, organizing their delivery, acceptance, accounting, consumption control, and preparing reports.
  • Preparation of documents for entering into contracts for services.
  • Building up manufacturing inventories based on demand for material resources (raw materials, semi-finished products, equipment, parts, fuel, energy, etc.).
  • Ensuring correct operation and maintenance of NFC STE equipment and premises.
  • Preparation of statements of energy resources required and accounting of their consumption.
  • Monitoring expiration dates of instructions and other regulatory documents on labor safety, fire safety, and industrial health.
  • Effecting control, together with the Instrumentation and Control department, over the state and utilization of instruments, their calibration and adjustment.
  • Development and implementation of measures to improve NFC STE working conditions.
  • Timely implementation of the regulations issued by metrological bodies, agencies for fire and sanitary monitoring, state committee for labor safety, labor and occupational safety departments, and environmental safety laboratory.
  • Ensuring safe and efficient NFC STE functioning and development by implementing engineering and technical activities in the following areas:
    • power supply
    • heat supply
    • water supply
  • Labor, occupational, and fire safety, industrial health and radiation safety; rational consumption and saving of fuel, power, and material resources.
  • Coordination of the work performed by NFC STE engineering and technical groups and workshops.
  • Supporting the certification commission for engineering and technical personnel, work stations, and working environment.
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