The National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
National Science Center "Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology"
"Nuclear Fuel Cycle" Science and Technology Establishment
The National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
National Science Center "Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology"
"Nuclear Fuel Cycle" Science and Technology Establishment
Names of Projects and Programs
under Programs |
Implementing Agreement Between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of Ukraine Concerning the Ukraine Nuclear Fuel Qualification Project
Ukraine Nuclear Fuel Qualification Project Work Implementation Schedule
CRCD foundation. On-job training of Ukrainian specialists. Design and Safety Substantiation Reactor Codes transfer from Westinghouse to CRCD. Scientific and technical support for design, licensing, and operation of six Westinghouse Lead Test Assemblies and reload batch at South Ukraine NPP Unit 3
Generic work implementation schedule for implementation of and support for Westinghouse fuel at WWER-1000 NPPs. NNEGC Energoatom contract with Westinghouse
Scientific and technical support for implementation and operation of Westinghouse fuel assemblies at South Ukraine NPP Units 2 and 3, and Zaporizhya NPP Unit 5;
Analytical and experiment research into effects of water chemistry on corrosion of materials in Ukraine's WWER-1000 reactor cores
Development of a 3-D Coolant Temperature Distribution Model in the South Ukraine NPP Unit 2 and 3 Main Coolant Pipes
Projects on the upgrade of Ukraine NPP nuclear power reactors and ZNPP Spent Nuclear Fuel Dry Storage Facility
Manufacturing of absorber elements of absorber inserts for the ventilated storage containers of the spent nuclear fuel dry storage facility
Scientific and technical support for establishing of the manufacturing floor for absorber inserts of the ventilated storage containers of the ZNPP Spent Nuclear Fuel Dry Storage Facility at Atomenergomash Non-Standard Equipment and Pipeline Plant
Design calculations of the pattern and number of absorber inserts for the ventilated storage containers of the ZNPP Spent Nuclear Fuel Dry Storage Facility unloaded from Unit 1, 2, 3, and 5 storage pools during the 2012 outage, and Unit 4 and 6 storage pools during the 2013 outage
NSC KIPT NASU program for fundamental research in nuclear science and technology
Material science and engineering design developments of improved nuclear and neutron absorbing materials and core components based on them, and substantiation of their reliability, performance and safety
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine target research program “Scientific and Technical Support for Development of Nuclear Engineering and Utilization of Radiation Technologies in Sectors of Economy” and National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Order 365 of May 31, 2011.
Studies, developments, and economic evaluations on enhancing WWER safety, reliability, and efficiency with improved structural, fuel, and absorber materials in nuclear fuel assemblies
Nuclear Fuel of Ukraine Program
Plan of Scientific and Engineering Developments in the Fuel and Energy Complex of the Ministry of Energy and Coal Industry for 2012. Ministry of Energy and Coal Industry Order 349 of May 29, 2012
Development and research related to effects of temperature and stress condition changes on hydride reorientation in spent nuclear fuel rod cladding
Effects of KOH and LiOH concentrations on kinetic parameters of oxidation of zirconium alloys during transition to increased fuel burnup/longer fuel cycle
Targeted comprehensive research program “The Issue of Resource and Operational Safety of Systems, Structures and Machines” (“RESOURCE”).
Reliability enhancing of the WWER-1000 primary circuit equipment through water chemistry optimization
STCU Project
Development of Fuel Rod and Fuel Assembly Design and Manufacturing Technology for the Sub-Critical Assembly, and Their Testing to Substantiate Their Reliability and Safety (2012-2015)
IAEA Programs
Optimisation of Water Chemistry to Ensure Reliable Water Reactor Fuel Performance at High Burnup and in Ageing Plants (FUWAC)
Improvement of Computer Codes used for Fuel Behaviour Simulation (FUMEX-III)
Hydrogen and Hydride Degradation of the Mechanical and Physical Properties of Zirconium Alloys
IAEA Contract 13817/RO “Analytical and Experiment Research into Effects of Water Chemistry on Corrosion of Ukraine's WWER-1000 Reactor Core Materials”
IAEA Contract 15370 “Research into PWR and WWER Fuel Rod Performance at High Burnups Using Computer Codes FEMAXI and PAD”
IAEA Contract 16863 “Investigation of Fuel Rods Cladding Degradation due to DHC under Simulated Conditions of Transportation, Handling, Drying and Consequent Long-Term Storage in a Dry Storage Facility”