The Center for Reactor Core Design was established in 1999 within the framework of the Ukraine Nuclear Fuel Qualification Project (UNFQP). Its main areas of activity include:
Preparation of two-group cross sections for design and operational nuclear calculations
Cycle safety substantiation based on the core boundary parameters
Analysis of mixed cores with different vendors' fuel
Design-Basis Accident Analysis in compliance with Ukrainian and international standards
Revision of safety limits and conditions based on statistical errors of analysis methodologies, manufacturing tolerances, and errors in determining reactor parameters
Design of fuel assembly components
Mechanical calculations and analyses using various codes, including Solidworks and ANSYS
Development of test programs
Support for fuel assembly and component fabrication
Criticality calculations for nuclear fuel storage systems using the codes MCNP5/MCNPX and SCALE 5.1
Thermal physical analysis of different systems, including reactors and nuclear steam supply systems, dry and wet spent nuclear fuel storage facilities using CFD code Solidworks Flow
Safety substantiation for nuclear fuel storage systems
Thermal physical analysis of reactor cores using 3-D lattice physics codes
Training of NPP ad research organization specialists in design of nuclear fuel and core components